The Royal Heffernans

Quite possibly the best family ever

Friday, April 22, 2011

June 8, 2012

Pretty slow day for Heffernan news. Not much going on at all, right? Riiiiiight!

On an unrelated note, I have been peripherally following this story for months, and have been on the fence. Until now. I am now going all-in. The Alien prequel, currently in development is going to be the best movie in the history of cinema.

Okay, maybe that is a bit of a stretch, but I have no further doubt that this will be an amazing film. Ridley Scott - check. H.R. Giger - check. Aliens - check. Rated R - check. Mega budget - check. Epic scope - check. Something completely new, imaginative and breathtaking - check (according to all reports from Scott and his actors). The only thing I am holding out on are the characters. It's tough to beat a couple dozen colonial marines who are wisecracking for half the movie. Hopefully, they will not make the mistake of trying to replace Sigourney Weaver with a pseudo-Ripley heroine. We've been let down before, so this will be tough.

I have been reading a lot of the news as this project has come to fruition. You can get caught up at the Alien Prequel News website. However, I am strongly considering a 100% moratorium on any future news. Although the plot is a total secret, and a lot of misinformation is floating around, you know details will emerge. However, if you are on the fence as I was, reading through some of this will convince you.

So I propose a Heffernan expedition to the biggest, baddest 3D IMAX theater around to see Prometheus (working title) on opening night. Right now, Fox has claimed June 8, 2012 for a possible blockbuster run for the upcoming prequel. Mark your calendars, and let's roll.


Kevin said...

Quit getting me excited and then telling me I have to wait another year!

Colin and Liz said...

Wierzbowski! Wierzbowski!

Kevin said...

Be honest Colin - did you have to look up the spelling for Wierzbowski?