The Royal Heffernans

Quite possibly the best family ever

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Game Over - China Wins!

Suspected site of China's top secret time machine!

China is a capitalist economy with a communist government. Essentially this allows the government to control resources, information and ultimately, 1.2 billion citizens. We all know about China's notorious censorship over the media and internet. They must protect the minds of the masses from anything that may incite revolution.

So I read the following NY Times article with initial amusement, only to be followed by concern and fear.

Making TV Safer: Chinese Censors Crack Down on Time Travel

Initially, I thought this was hilarious. Then I started to wonder. Why would China really care if people watched Back to the Future or The Time Machine? It doesn't subvert their national agenda. It's not like the citizens will demand revolution after watching Marty McFly ride a skateboard through 1950's USA.

I have now come to the only possible explanation. China is currently working on a massive covert project to create a time machine. They plan to go back in time, change history and become the dominant culture of the entire planet. They don't want time travel questions to cloud the minds of the people and scientists slaving away on this project, so all ideas on time travel are now BANNED!

How does it work? How should I know. I just think we've gotta build our own time machine stat, or take out theirs before we wake up speaking Mandarin. I'm thinking the Three Rivers Gorge might be a good place to start looking for this project.


Kevin said...

So with the whole time travel thing - does China subscribe to the "Back to the Future" past/future interaction, or the "Terminator" version?

I'm investing all my money in flux-capacitors, just in case.

Teddy said...

You know the whole relationship between mass and energy, right? E=mc^2? Sure you do. More scientific proof that China is up to nefarious time travel experiments:

It seems a kg isn't the same weight anymore. Space/time is starting to feel the effects!