The Royal Heffernans

Quite possibly the best family ever

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Breaking Steriod News!

Seriously, who didn't see this coming? Come on, look at those biceps. And don't even get me started about the finely sculpted leg muscles. The excuse, "I run daily". Sure, we buy that. It was no mystery how someone at that age could maintain a physique like that. The secret is out, the jig is up, Mr. Heffernan, put down the syringe.


ian said...

What that picture doesn't tell is that dad is actually perched atop a 30ft balcony that he scaled and from which he is nonchalantly jumping off as if it were only a couple feet.

Kevin said...

Another sign of steroid use: baldness. Jim Kelly, then Barry Bonds, and now Tom Heffernan III. What is this world coming to?

Kevin said...

Per Mom:

"Colin, I haven’t figured out the blog response yet, so I’ll just e-mail this. I think your father looks mighty fine for 55 years old. You should be so lucky when your time comes. So there. Your mother."

Kevin said...

Mom, we're you're children. Keep those comments to yourself.

ian said...

So does Kevin's first comment mean he's using steroids too? ZING!