Tuesday, December 01, 2009

UPDATED: Loss for Words

I started and deleted about 5 different drafts to address the current state of Notre Dame's football program and all the commentary about the same. But none of them properly conveyed my contempt for the schadenfreude permeating in the sports world for the Irish, or could properly address all the ironic (and moronic) statements about ND being irrelevant, or could effectively mock the repeated assertion that Notre Dame's academics are too difficult for today's apparent caveman high school football recruits.

Then I read this article.

See, this is why I just infrequently contribute to a half-assed family blog and I'm not working as a writer (that, and I'm illiterate - I just dictated this to a hobo and had him type it for me). John Walters was able to address all the incorrect conclusions being drawn in the interwebs and by the talking heads on TV regarding ND football, to affirm his (and my) belief that Notre Dame will rise from the ashes like the mythical Phoenix to set fire to everyone and everything in its path, and to throw in a quote from Say Anything to boot, in succinct style.

Kudos to you, Mr. Walters. You have a new RSS subscriber...

UPDATE: Here's another great pro-Irish article from a different columnist over at FanHouse. Where did this FanHouse site come from? They're suddenly tops in my book...


  1. I like your blogging, Ian. I want to blog, too, but no one will send me the info on how to log in to the blog.

  2. Here's another article that I think is awesome. Pat Forde compares traditional powers ND and Alabama. I couldn't believe how similar our recent histories were. Obviously, we need to get the coaching search right. National Titles will follow with the right man.

