Monday, November 23, 2009

Poor Arby's

I don't know what it is, but Arby's just can't cut a break. First, The Simpsons killed them in their Lord of The Flies spoof with the classic quote, "I'm so hungry I could eat at Arby's." Then I ran across the flow chart above the other day.

Arby's used to be the place to go (assuming there wasn't a Rax around) - I remember rocking 5-for-5's in high school before track meets, then promptly puking them up at said meet. Maybe it's the roast beef angle. Maybe it's that Colin and I went there last year while we were moving and ordered, in total, two Beef & Cheddar sandwiches, two curly fries, and two drinks and the bill came to a staggering $24. Whatever the case Arby's can't get any love, and it saddens me...

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