Thursday, December 03, 2009

Out on a Limb

I've got a theory about Notre Dame's recent lack of success in football, and I'm going to share it here because I haven't heard it said anywhere else. Along with this theory comes a prediction. Here goes...

Theory: The largest gaff committed by Charlie Weis in the course of Notre Dame's failure the past three years is that he recruited Jimmy Clausen. Because the presence of Jimmy Clausen, as great as he has been statistically, is the true cause of Notre Dame's failures.

Prediction: Notre Dame will win 10 games next year, not because of whomever is eventually hired as the new coach, but because Jimmy Clausen will no longer be the on the team.

Am I crazy? Maybe. But hear me out.

Clausen's announcement that he would be attending Notre Dame was one of the most obnoxious, over-the-top events in memory, and it alienated a lot of people. Following that, Clausen's early enrollment (a first at Notre Dame), subsequent arm troubles and secrecy, and the quarterback shuffle that followed overshadowed everything else about the program. Weis' coddling of Clausen led to the transfers of QBs Demetrious Jones and Zach Frazier. A 3-9 season ensued.

For better or for worse, the quarterback is the face and soul of a football team. If there's one common thing that's been repeated about Notre Dame football over the last 3 abysmal seasons it's been a lack of motivation and fire. Jimmy Clausen comes across as a smug, privileged, punk (just ask whoever gave him that shiner or read this article). Coincidence? Clausen's presence as the "leader" of this team, combined with Weis' kowtowing to his every whim killed team chemistry and cost Notre Dame 3 years.

So next year, with the cancer that is Jimmy Clausen moved on to the NFL and a new head coach in place to rally the troops I truly expect to see a turnaround much like we saw in Weis' first year.

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