Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Scientology Strikes Again?

We all laughed at Tom Cruise when he completely went off the deep end on The Today Show when Matt Lauer asked him about his rant against Brooke Shields and her use of medication for post-partum depression. His "History of Psychiatry" clip is priceless and seen below.

However, I was very upset when I heard about the recent death of John Travolta and Kelly Preston's son Jett. Initially, I thought it must have been a tragic accident. Then, I read a bit more about the situation, and things just don't add up. Now, upon reading that the Travoltas had the remains cremated in another country prior to returning to the US, I have decided that something is amiss. I blame Scientology.

Here are the unusual facts that don't add up:
  • The Travoltas blame Kawasaki disease for a developmental disorder in their son, despite the fact that Kawasaki disease affects children under 5 and caused vascular inflammation particularly in the coronary arteries.
  • Jett also had a seizure disorder. Was he being appropriately treated?
  • The official autopsy report listed "seizure disorder" as the cause of death. People don't usually die from seizures, unless they injure themselves during a seizure.
  • The autopsy was performed in the Bahamas. Apparently the Travolta family physician was present. Who was he? Why would you trust foreign doctors.
  • The body was cremated in another country before the ashes were returned home. Why would any parent do this? Wouldn't a more thorough autopsy be indicated?
We all have heard how Cruise claims Scientology cured his dyslexia and that it forbids mind altering drugs that mainstream medicine uses. The Travoltas are also avid Scientologists, although lower key. I wonder if Jett Travolta was being appropriately treated for his seizure disorder. All the facts seem to suggest a rapid autopsy and cremation, as if to cover up evidence. Remember when Heath Ledger died? It took like 2 months before his autopsy results were final, and he had open bottles of pills all around him! No way was this case finalized in a foreign country in a matter of days.

I feel terribly for the Travoltas. In no way do I think that they did anything wrong to their son. However, why isn't anyone asking questions about the circumstances around Jett's death. I fear that he may not have been receiving the best medical care before and after his death due to the influence of Scientology.


  1. God, I'm a sucker for a good olde-fashioned Scientology conspiracy. I hadn't heard about the foreign cremation, but that indeed sounds incredibly strange. It's not like he was attacked by sharks or mutilated - wouldn't they want to return him home for a proper funeral and burial? I would. I also find it curious that Scientology is suddenly proclaiming that it accepts autism as a valid condition after years of counter arguments because it was a psychiatric disorder.

    Also, the Travoltas are very prominent Scientologists. Maybe not as outspoken as Cruise, but probably a close second. Kelly Preston crusades around the country trying to convince lawmakers and society in general of the dangers of psychiatric drugs - and quite effectively, I might add.

    Finally, to answer your question - everyone is handling this with kids gloves because a) it's a kid and b) we live in a celebrity worship society. No one wants to piss off Scientology because then they'll lose access and exclusive interviews with them, e.g. Cruise, Travolta, Will Smith, etc. It disgusts me how no one is asking any of these questions in public and simply accept all this Kawasaki BS and "seizure disorder" explanation blindly. If anyone else, e.g. someone not famous, died under such circumstances you can bet your ass you couldn't handle it in such a manner w/o a million questions - of both a cynical and legal nature - being asked.

  2. I agree this whole situation is fishy. But I nonetheless finding it annoying to that any scientologist has to be identified as such. "John Travolta's scientologist friend Priscilla Presley..." "Fellow scientologist Tom Cruise sends his condolences..." I guess it's a disclaimer that the person about to be identified is possibly crazy.

    I'd love to hear Brian Williams reporting that "Methodist Billy is expected to attend the funeral..."
