Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Really? Nothing?

I must admit, I've been shocked - SHOCKED! - that there haven't been any postings in response to Notre Dame's performance in the Hawaii (excuse me, Hawai'i) Bowl. But it's not just this blog that didn't seem to notice - even the big sports-related sites and pundits seem to have missed ND's shellacking of Hawaii (again, my apologies, Hawai'i). The only non-AP story I could find was an article by Stuart "I Usually Take Glee in Watching Notre Dame Fail" Mandel here. As is typically the case when Notre Dame does well, EsPN.com had no mention of the victory after all their prognostications of another inevitable ND defeat in the days leading up to the game.

I have my own critiques of the game - they didn't have many sustained drives and relied a bit too much on the big plays - but the positives outweighed the negatives, and I'll gladly accept the end of the notorious bowl-loss streak with open arms. The offensive line, for once, wasn't offensive. The defense looked great. Even special teams was outstanding.

I'm actually excited for next fall, and probably will continue to be until about, oh, next fall...

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