Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Fire Mike Brey

God, watching Notre Dame men's basketball is horrible, just horrible. As ND proceeded to blow last night's game at Louisville - a game in which they had multiple chances to win down the stretch before falling apart in overtime - Tory Jackson single-handedly ruined 5 out of their last 6 possessions. If not for a incorrect backcourt violation call Jackson's final blunder would have cost the Irish the game in regulation. I could tell Jackson was gassed, Stephanie could tell Jackson was gassed, my god, Zoe woke up, climbed out of her crib, came downstairs, and shocked us by yelling, "What the hell is Jackson still doing in the game?". I gave her a high-five and said, "Right on!", before pacifying her - at which point she fell asleep on the floor for overtime. Everyone in the world knew he at least needed to be taken off the ball, except apparently for Mike Brey. You have McAlarney and Hillesland in the game who can both handle the ball, and you have Peoples off the bench who can do the same. Brey's indecision cost ND the game.

And it's not the first time. My math may be slightly off here, but ND has lost approximately 114 games by 5 points or less or in overtime in the last three years. That's coaching. Brey brings nothing to the table. He doesn't recruit all that well - he simply lucked in Harangody. His teams play horrible (HORRIBLE!) defense. He consistently allows his tallest players to shoot threes as opposed to even trying to rebound. He never can make an in-game adjustment. People say we have some sort of advanced offense, but as far as I can tell, up until Harangody became a freak, that offense consisted of running down the court and gunning threes. And still does to a large degree even with one of the most dominant inside men in college hoops. I can coach that crap - a monkey could coach that! A competent coach that stressed even a modicum of defense along with some decent set plays would have this team in the top 5 and winning a game like last night by 15.

Brey got saved last year - to no credit of his own - by Harangody becoming a monster. This team, which has as good a roster and talent as any ND team in a long time, should be a write-in for the Sweet 16 with a very good chance to go even further if a few things break their way. The way they are currently playing - without any adjustment from Brey - they're looking at getting bumped again in the second round. Mark my words. And it will all be Brey's fault as you watch Jackson turn it over again and again and Zeller bomb three after three all while Harangody shakes his head and wonders why he can't get any low post help.

Jack Swarbrick - please fire Mike Brey.

1 comment:

  1. amen. i stopped watching ND play basketball due to dangerous increases in blood pressure and wild, uncontrollable fits of rage. these were almost always the result of ND blowing a 9 point lead with 22 seconds remaining in the game because Mike Brey refuses to have his team foul other teams when leading at the end of games.
