Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I Don't Get It

I just was checking the morning sites and everyone is gushing over New Orleans' performance in last night's MNF game. Apparently, this was the most points ever scored by New Orleans in a game. Apparently, Drew Brees is the second coming of Dan Marino - which seems appropriate because it's very likely his obscene stats season-after-season will never see him win a Super Bowl.

I get that everyone wants New Orleans to succeed because they were a feel good story, like, 3 years ago following Hurricane Katrina. Everyone keeps picking them as Super Bowl contenders, yet they've only made the playoffs once in the last 3 years. You hear about how great they are week after week, and yet they are currently dead last in they're division at 6-5. You wouldn't even know that the Buccaneers, Panthers, and even the lowly Falcons are outpacing them. Barring a miracle, i.e. a collapse by those three teams previously mentioned, they'll fail to reach the playoffs again this year. So let's just calm down with the whole New Orleans Saints craziness for awhile - at least until they're actually a decent team.

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