Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Enough with Lou

I love Domers. They have such short memories. Amongst all the gnashing of teeth over Charlie Weis one plea remains constant - BRING BACK LOU!

I've got news for everybody - I was a student at Notre Dame when they transitioned from Lou to Bob Davie. I was there when Lou broke his hip and everyone was ecstatic that Davie would be the interim head coach until Lou was again mobile. Near the end of Lou's tenure, folks were calling for his head just as they are for Weis today - and I was one of them. Lou had lacked that killer instinct ever since ND suffered the crushing loss to BC in the final game of the '93 season. From that point on he played not to lose rather than to win, and it was simply painful to watch.

Well, we all know how the Bob Davie era would turn out, but the point is you can never repeat history. The Lou talk is insane. It's fun to be nostalgic, but we need to be serious. The game has passed him by and he wouldn't know what to do in an era of reduced scholarships and increased NCAA scrutiny.

Honestly, I don't know who in their right-mind would take take the job at this point. ND certainly won't get any "big name", proven coach as everyone is clamoring for, regardless of how much they're willing to spend. If the job description states that two BCS bowls in 4 years won't cut it, that doesn't leave much margin for error. Their best bet/hope is some up-and-comer that, for better or for worse, wants to use Notre Dame as a stepping stone or proving ground for their talent. It's hard to swallow, but methinks head coach at ND is no longer the top rung of the ladder.

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