Wednesday, December 03, 2008

So Charlie Is Staying...

I have to admit, the last 2 seasons of ND football have been so bad that I was actually numb to whether Weis (yes it's spelled "Weis" NOT "Weiss": I immediately disregard any comment which contains a misspelled version of his name) stayed on or was fired. Here are some of my thoughts in the form of bulleted stream of consciousness:

- I can't imagine high profile coaches were beating down the door to come to ND and get fired.

- Now the recruiting will continue without mass defections (hopefully).

- We were a couple of plays away from an 8-4 or 9-3 season. I know that we were also a play away from a 5-7 season, but you get my point.

- Have you looked at our schedule for next year? I think it was an easy decision for our new AD to keep Weis because if ND doesn't win at least 9 games next year Weis is as good as done.

- If Weis does get sacked next year at least the new coach will have some players to work with. People always harp how Weis won with Willingham's players; this is true. However, Willingham left a HUGE hole between the Quinn class and Weis' Clausen class. Whoever had coached ND in 2007 was primed for a horrible year. However, whoever coaches ND over the next 3 years should have no excuses regarding the depth chart.

I think we do well next year and become a perennial 9 or 10 win team, whoever the coach is.


  1. I agree that this is Weis's last shot. If he doesn't come through next year, he's cooked.

    I also think it's crazy that people say Charlie won with Ty's players. Quinn sucked when he played under Ty. You can't chalk up his improvement to simply "maturing". Also, if you recall, Samardjla and Stovall weren't even playing under Willingham for some inexplicable reason. At least Weis saw the potential there.

    He's got his team, they've got the experience, and they've got the schedule. If he can't win next year you can only point the finger at 1 person...

  2. My 2 cents:

    This mess isn't entirely Weis' fault. My major beef with Weis as a new head coach has been his selection of assistants. I don't expect (nor do I want) Weis to teach the fundamentals of blocking to the O-line. I don't expect Haywood to call a perfect game in his 1st year as full OC. Brown may be exciting, but he was never a DC before last year as well.

    Weis needs to clean house with his assistants - something Willingham was never willing to do. I say keep Brown and Tenuta, because I like our D, and I see big things coming there. Haywood, Powlus, Latina, Mendoza all need to be shown the toll road out of SB.

    As for next year, we should know early on whether we are a BCS team or not. By the end of September, I think the AD needs to decide and start working to get a new coach in place quickly if Weis hasn't dramatically improved this team. 2009 is Weis' final chance.
