Thursday, October 09, 2008


According to sources, Brandon Walker has retained field goal kicking duties for Notre Dame after winning a practice competition with junior Ryan Burkhart. Two questions arise...
  1. How bad must Burkhart be to continually get beat our by Walker? Reports are that, once again, it wasn't even close.
  2. Will practice ever make perfect?
There comes a point in time where you need to throw practice out the window. By all indications, Walker is a great practice kicker. However, the fact remains he's 1-7 on field goal attempts this season and 7-19 in his career. I don't care if he's bombing 72-yarders from the left hash in practice, if he can't hit a 31-yard chip shot in a game what's the point? Maybe the opposite holds true for Burkhart. Maybe he sucks in practice, but would step up in a game situation.

Notre Dame has been lucky thus far in that their kicking woes have yet to cost them a game, but they will eventually. If Walker continues to choke in games I don't really care what's happening in practice, a switch needs to be made.


  1. When I was at McNick, I was awesome in practice. I hit 60-yarders about 50% of the time, and I rarely missed anything else. But in games, I was a stunningly bad 3-for-20.

    Kicking is entirely mental - when you are relaxed it's easy. But when you've missed your last 4 field goal attempts, and there's 80,000th people watching, it's a different beast and can crack the most stoic person. I think Walker has cracked, much like Jim Sanson cracked about 10 years ago. Put him on kickoff duty for a game, and give Burkhart his chance. The worst Burkhart can do is miss.

  2. I agree with Kevin. Kicking is practice is easy. I only kicked for a year as a freshman, but it is no problem nailing 50 and 60 yarders in practice. We didn't attempt many FGs either (that's because I always ran it in for a TD!!!), but I never hit one in a game (maybe 0-4 or so).

    The game is a completely different animal. The snaps always suck as the center is getting hit. The hold is rushed, and you have to get it up quick or it will be blocked.

    I'm pretty sure Weis is practicing full go, but obviously Walker needs a break. Give Burkhart a shot. If he makes a couple, his confidence grows. I don't care if he can't kick a 50 yarder. I just want to be able to count on the 35 yarders!

    Also, what does this say about our kicker recruiting? We have 2 more commitments for next year. Another 2 supposed studs. I hope at least 1 of them isn't as bad as the current "studs"!
