Friday, October 10, 2008

Bump In Traffic

I thought I'd try to "legitimize" our blog today and get us some easy traffic like all the other sports blogs do. Here goes...

Brady Quinn is gay.

Brady Quinn likes dudes.

Oh, snap! Look at those zingers! Take THAT, Brady Quinn! Bigotry and homophobia are hilarious! We should expect to see the traffic rolling in any second now...

For reals, though - what's the fascination with Brady Quinn? He's a late first-round draft choice backing up an All-Pro in his prime in only his second year.

Yeah, he's taken some stupid photos with what look like high school buddies. We can't all be as bad-ass and ooze testosterone like you tough-guy sports bloggers out there. He's also been seen like this
Not. Too. Shabby. (The girl. Not the white linen blazer and blue slacks.)

Let's face it - Quinn gets grilled because he went to Notre Dame. He busts his ass, teammates have nothing but good things to say about him, and he'll probably unseat All-Pro Anderson before the season is done. Meanwhile, former Heisman Trophy winner "Statutory" Matt Leinert is hooking up with jailbait and got beat out by a 37-yr old wash-up. But he gets a free pass because he went to Southern Cal and knows celebrities.

My point - as usual, I have none...

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