Wednesday, October 08, 2008

F$%^ You And Your Bad Grammar, Apple

Apple has released their latest iPod, and the marketing shit-storm that goes along with any Apple release is in full effect. Once again, Apple is trying to chip away at the collective intelligence of America by using blatantly poor grammar.
Notice the problem here? If you're one of the millions of people that made it through 3rd grade you would have quickly noticed that "funnest" isn't really a word. The correct comparative and superlative forms of the word "fun" are "more fun" and "most fun", respectively. Who the hell do you think you are, Steve Jobs? William freaking Shakespeare? You do not have the clout to just go making up words willy-nilly. Hey, look! I can do it too - Apple, your ad campaigns are dumbening society!

Sadly, this isn't Apple's first cutesy foray into infuriating ad campaigns. Remember this?
Yeah, that was Apple's first attempt at eroding correct English. The word "different" in the above phrase is performing as an adverb and should therefore end in "ly", e.g. Think differently.

What really drives me nuts is that most people probably don't even realize the errors and I'm probably going to start hearing the word "funnest" all over the place, losing a little bit of my sanity with each utterance. I'm dreading the release of the latest MacBooks and the accompanying ad campaign that proclaims, "The new MacBook. Designed by Apple in California. All parts purchased from and assembled in China. Gooder than all those other laptops." Damn you, Apple...

1 comment:

  1. Apple is just using strategery in their marketing.
