Friday, August 24, 2007


From time to time, we have devoted an infrequent blog entry to Hollywood and some anticipated future releases. Well, I wouldn't be a good Heffernan if I didn't post this one. I have to admit, this caught me by complete surprise. Not only did I not think a sequel to AvP would ever be made, I didn't even know they were working on it!

So what is this little number about? The storyline is still top secret, but it appears to be an Alien outbreak on Earth in the present time. Of course a Predator is around to wreak havoc as well. It is R-rated, unlike AvP, and has been touted as a true horror film. The title was just announced, and the trailer is available for download by following this link at IGN. It hits theaters Christmas 2007. I have to admit, they could release Alien Meets Abbot and Costello and I would still go see it. I think every other Heffernan man probably feels the same way.

I hope to God this movie is every bit as awesome as the trailer indicates. It looks unbelievable. Let me give you the cliff notes version of the badass things I noticed. Check it out for yourself.
  • The film is rated R, even the trailer is restricted!
  • Old school Alien design, like in the 2nd movie (my favorite design)!
  • Predators SLAUGHTERING humans! No more teaming up like in AvP!
  • At least 20 deaths in the trailer alone.
  • Language even in the trailer.
  • Michelle Dressler from 24.


  1. i paid money to see avp at the theater, and i don't regret it for a second. i will pay to see this film as well.

  2. I enjoy the violence of this movie. Any movie with Aliens and/or Predators should be R. I'll be going as well, with or without my wife.
