Tuesday, August 28, 2007

ND Angst

Is anybody else getting anxious and shaky every time they think about Saturday at 3:30PM ET? I just saw that ND released their depth chart today and I've been reading all kinds of analyses about who's starting where and beautiful crescendo's of speed and balance. I'm getting so excited I had to stop working and write a post!

I'm also very excited about the QB battle. At this point I hope that Demetrius Jones wins the starting nod. Athletic, scrambling QB's in college are so much more dangerous - plus, everything I've read says that Jones has a pretty darn good arm as well. But whether it's Jones, Clausen, or Sharpley, at least I know that if the guys sucks we can go to someone else. How many silent prayers were said last year and the year before every time Brady Quinn took a hit? Depth baby!
I'm going out and buying a flagpole this weekend so I can hang my giant ND flag in front on my house. I'm also going to be sitting on my butt drinking enough beer to calm my nerves for the first game of the ND rebuilding year... er, National Championship run!





  1. Don't buy a cheap flag pole from Home Depot. Pay extra and get a nice one. Those cheap aluminum brackets bend and the flag will drop. My authentic Pearl Harbor American flag found out the hard way.

  2. 2 questions:

    1. When Ted stops working do people start dying? (Cause when I stop working the only thing that happens is a sharp increase in internet usage.)

    2. Who is jealous that Liz and I have tickets and will be attending the titanic struggle this weekend?

  3. I'm actually studying about 11 hours a day right now. Every couple hours or so, I have to take a break. The poll took about 5 minutes to post. The hardest part was actually finding pics of the QBs.

    By the way, if you click on the comments section of the poll, you can see a geographic display of voters. It looks like FL voted for Sharpley, LA voted for Clausen, while IL, OH (x2) and VA voted for Jones!
