Friday, August 10, 2007

What smells worse than poo?

Do you like that picture? Most people don't. Pepe LePue aside, I generally think of skunks when I'm driving on the road and experience the fetid scents of rotten eggs and burning rubber. I'm not usually too upset because that's one less skunk in the world.

However, it's a different experience altogether when Pepe LePue is living with his wife in your backyard. Yup, that's right, my wonderful new house has got skunks in the back yard. They come out every night at around 8:30-9PM, and wander around my backyard looking for food. I've wrapped up all my garbage and other easily edible dietary supplements, but apparently skunks eat bugs too, of which I can't easily rid my yard.

So I'm working on finding an exterminator. "Skunk hunt!" doesn't have quite the same appeal as "'Coon hunt!" once did. Rabies doesn't show on the outside, but you can smell a skunk from a mile away, so I'll take the expense and hire Dwight the exterminator to "remove" those damned skunks. But I'll price it out, because if it's cheaper to get that crossbow I've always talked about, maybe I'll make a little investment.


  1. Wow, when you look at those pictures, you can easily see why Michigan is called the "Skunkbears". The symbol on the UM helmet looks just like skunk stripes!

  2. I am assuming that is not an actual picture of your yard and the skunks! Anyway, I don't think I would risk killing a skunk on my own. If you didn't get an instant kill (and who ever does when hunting varments) it would probably spray you. If you did get an instant kill, the 2nd one would spray you. If you somehow pulled off a miracle shot and killed both at once, I bet they die and release the scent anyway.

    Any way you cut it, you'll be taking a bath in tomato juice! That's a lot of damn tomato juice!
