Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Did the Yankees Play the Red Sox Last Night?

It may be difficult to express via the information superhighway, but the title of this post smacks of sarcasm. Yes, the Yankees did play the Red Sox last night in Boston, and the Sox won 7-3. The game was aired nationally on ESPN Monday Night Baseball. I was not upset that this game was on national television, even though 2 of the best teams in all of baseball happened to be facing off, because the Yankees-Red Sox rivalry usually produces pretty exciting games. The game was actually pretty fun to watch, courtesy of Mr. Tim Wakefield, however after the game I was excited to watch Baseball Tonight in order to catch a quick glimpse of the Cincinnati - St. Louis game. However ESPN apparently had different plans. Instead of going straight to Baseball Tonight, they interviewed 2 Red Sox players after the game. After that they had an inning by inning summary of what happened in the game, the same game they just showed on national television. Next, they had the color man from the broadcast team that called the game give his analysis, of the game we just watched, and had an inning-by-inning summary of. Finally, to top it all off, every member of the Baseball Tonight crew gave their summary of the game, that we just watched. It was at this point that I began to think, well they must show highlights of the other games pretty soon, then ESPN decided to interview another Red Sox player.

Now I realize this was a big game between 2 big market teams. All I am asking is that ESPN tries to balance its baseball coverage to actually discuss the other teams that played. Yes, ESPN there are other teams besides the Yankees and Red Sox. If these teams don't make it to the World Series they actually DO still play the games.

I am getting sick and tired of ESPN becoming a media giant and losing touch with what they used to do so well; show highlights of games that I otherwise would not have been able to see. That's all I ask. Is that so hard?


  1. ESPN's baseball coverage is ridiculous. Small market teams get zero coverage unless they have the misfortune of being blown out by a team from New York or Boston or are facing Barry Bonds. It doesn't matter if New York and/or Boston sucks or if Bonds goes 0-2 with 3 walks, that's what you're gonna get.

    Nevermind that last night the two teams with the best records in baseball played one another and that Arroyo threw a complete game, 4-hitter. Noooo, the Yankees were playing Boston in a meaningless April grudge match featuring the return of Johnny Damon. Whoop-dee, fucking doo...

    Pay attention to ESPN's ticker one night - small market teams always appear last. It doesn't matter game time, alphabetical, or anything else. Small market teams are always displayed last. And if the small market team happens to play and beat a big market team, they'll only show the stats of the big name players from the losing big market team. For example, last night Reds 6, Cards 1: Pujols 0-3. Thanks, ESPN...

  2. I absolutely agree!!! I almost did a post myself regarding this issue. When you see SportsCenter highlights, or listen for an update on ESPN radio, you get NOTHING!

    Seriously, how much does it take for the Reds to get a little airtime? I know we might not keep it up, but can't they treat us like we have the best record in baseball? We played St Louis and won - big.

    I bet $50 that if St Louis beats up on us tonight, it will be featured on ESPN TV and radio. If we win - nada.

  3. ***UPDATE***

    Reds win!
    Reds win!
    Reds win!

    Bottom of the 9th singld drives in the game winner. Let's see how ESPN deals with this one! Can you say BANDWAGON?
