Monday, May 01, 2006

Rare Body Expulsion Combinations Known to be Fatal

Our bodies, on occasion, have need to expel gases or chemical by-products or digested matter in order to remain healthy and in tip-top shape. In most cases these expulsions occur as individual, separate events. However, there are documented cases of these expulsions occurring simultaneously, causing great distress and sometimes even death to unfortunate souls. Here for you, the inquisitive reader, is a listing of bodily expulsions that can be potentially fatal when occurring simultaneously:

The Hicca-burp:
Occurs when a animal simultaneously hiccups and burps. Most commonly occurs in humans, dogs, brown bears (never black bears, oddly), pit vipers, and birds. The hicca-burp is rarely fatal in humans and other large mammals (except dolphins), but causes avians to instantly explode.

The Snough:
Eponymous of Sir Francis Snough, 4th Duke of Sandwich for his untimely demise. The snough occurs when one simultaneously sneezes and coughs. Oftentimes non-fatal, in rare instances (as was the case of Sir Francis) the snough causes one's larynx to explosively rupture. Unfortunately in the case of Sir Francis, his Adam's Apple rocketed across the dining table, striking the Duchess in the xiphoid process and instantly killing her as well.

The Snart:
Occurs when one simultaneously sneezes and farts. In most cases, the snart simply causes its unfortunate victim to defecate themselves; however, there are three(3) cases of snart-related deaths occurring in the Sudan that are still under investigation. Snarts, of course, cause instant death to fish who expel all their internal organs.

The Hivom:
Reported to have claimed the lives of Jimi Hendrix and Elvis Pressley, the hivom occurs when one simultaneously hiccups and vomits. The involuntary swallowing action of the hiccup counteracts with the explosive action of vomiting causing one to partially swallow their own vomit. Sometimes referred to as a "puke-burp" or "hicca-puke" by laymen.

The Vomoop
Proving fatal in 63% of occurrences, the vomoop occurs when one simultaneously vomits and defecates. Almost exclusively encountered by human males aged 18-23 the vomoop, if not fatal, is said to equal 10 successive groin punches in terms of sheer pain. It is also extremely messy as the victim often times awake covered in their own vomit and poo.

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