Thursday, May 04, 2006

It's About Time

I just read that this September Lucasfilm, Ltd. will finally be releasing the original, theatrical versions of the classic Star Wars trilogy on DVD.

For a long time George Lucas had sworn that he would never do such a thing, stating nonsensical crap about the 2004 versions being the movies he always wanted to make, but never could. This, naturally, pissed off many a Star Wars fan (including yours truly) to no end.

The releases will be individually packaged, 2-disc sets containing the original, theatrical version as well as the shitty, 2004 "enhanced" version. They'll only be available for a limited time, September 12 - December 31, so I know 3 items that every Heffernan boy will have on his Christmas list.

Kind of makes me feel sorry for selling some schmuck the VHS versions for $200 a couple years ago. At that point everyone was fairly certain that the originals would never make it to DVD and this guy wanted an extra set to watch so that the tape wouldn't degrage on his other set. I don't know the more appropriate word for this guy - dork or sucker. Is "dorker" a word? How about "suckork"?

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