Thursday, December 15, 2005

Matt Leinart Consumes Alcohol

As the photographic evidence below shockingly illustrates, Matt Leinart has, on at least 1 occasion, overconsumed. Apparently, this is a big deal. Why? I'm not entirely sure. I guess it's supposed to be embarrassing or something, but if you ask me - if a 32 year old former Heisman-winning college quarterback wants to drink a few beers and hook up with semi-attractive 19 year olds... more power to him. That's not embarrassing. Embarrassing would be if that girl was really Reggie Bush wearing a wig and the jealous girl in the background was actually LenDale White. That's embarrassing. Fortunately for Leinart, Bush, and White USC has made sure all those pictures were destroyed...


  1. I gotta give it to Leinert, at least he has good taste in women. That's only when he's drunk though. Otherwise, he's just looking at the guys.

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