Thursday, December 15, 2005

Fun with Federline

In case you were wondering, Mr. Britney Spears' brake calipers are worth more than your life. Yes, this chooch had the audacity to purchase (well, he didn't purchase anything... ever... in his entire life) custom, personalized brake calipers for "his" Ferrari. But the best is saved for the second photo - read the fine print on Mr. Spears' collar. You may need to read it several times to verify, but it does indeed say "Holla @ Yo Damn Self". This is only topped by the fact that Mr. Spears is apparently going golfing (note the golf bag) in this apparel. First, who made this shirt and why? Second, I'd commit ritual suicide before wearing that shirt and camouflage pants anywhere, much less a golf course. Third, can someone please tell this guy YOU ARE NOT BLACK!!! Finally, I've been trying to think of a word that best describes Federline and I think I've found it - douchebag. Doesn't he just ooze "douchebag" whenever you see that cornrowed head of his? Maybe it's just me...

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Spears' "Holla @ Yo Damn Self" is on par with Vanilla Ice's "Word to Ya Motha". Unfortunately for Mr. Spears, "Ice Ice Baby" was actually a profitable endeavor and so comparing Mr. Spears to Vanilla Ice is actually an insult to Vanilla Ice.

    On a personal note, I refuse to ever use Mr. Spears first name ever again. It is an insult to those of us who take pride in our personal identity and Mr. Spears brings all Kevins down a notch on the social scale. And to think, this guy is breeding!
