Tuesday, December 13, 2005

16-0: Should They or Shouldn't They?

That's the question everyone is asking now that the Colts, at 13-0, have clinched home field advantage throughout the AFC playoffs. However, the question really should be - Should the Colts give up on the rest of the regular season? Because there is no guarantee that even if the Colts play all their starters from here out they go 3-0 against San Diego, @Seattle, and against Arizona. Ok, so Arizona is a sure thing, but San Diego is fighting for a playoff spot and Seattle will be looking to wrap up home field advantage in the NFC. Bottom line, I don't think the Colts make it through the next two weekends regardless of whom they start.

You can equate this situation to condoms, abstinence, and STDs. In this scenario, an injury is your chlamydia and the theory of resting your players down the stretch is the condom of the NFL - it will reduce the odds of players getting hurt, but it's not fool proof. The only 100% proven method for players not getting injured/chlamydia is abstinence, i.e. not playing them at all. And there is no way Dungy would do that because they'd all be rusty going into the playoffs. And that doesn't even take into consideration practice, which we'll call fellatio for our purposes here - often overlooked, but just as dangerous. Who's to say Manning, Edge, or Harrison won't go down on a Wednesday?

No, the question here is whether or not the Colts should keep doing what they've been doing for the past 14 weeks, which is win - and win convincingly for the most part. If you ask me (or Ozzie Guillen), you don't change a thing over these next 3 weeks. Your team is playing better than anyone else in the league right now and they're on one helluva roll. Why mess with that mojo? Of course the ultimate goal is always the Super Bowl, but the NFL can be a bitter mistress. If it ain't broke don't fix it...


  1. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Allright wait, I'm confused.

    So, you're saying that Peyton Manning got chlamydia from performing fellatio on Edgerrin James and Marvin Harrison???

    How did I miss this and why aren't Roc and that bald jewish guy talking about this on PTI???

  2. I'm making a bold prediction: Indy WILL go 16-0, but they'll lose in the playoffs to, who else but the Patiots. The Bengals could possibly prove to unseat the Colts as well, but I'm going to bet on the curse of Tom Brady. Indy thinks they got the monkey off their back by beating the Patriots earlier this year, but I think they'll choke when it counts.

  3. wow! i never knew such a blog existed! what a find! i love exclamation points! i will be back, just wanted to post something to let you know i'm lurking. who dey?
