Thursday, January 06, 2011

Oops! Our Bad...

Yeaaaah... so that whole autism - vaccination thing? Not so much.

Maybe this will put an end to the Jenny McCarthy Body Count.


  1. There's an even more thorough summary of this issue on The linked article describes what was already known. However, it leaves out 2 VERY INTERESTING new developments that just came out in a full investigation by the British Journal of Medicine:

    1) The original doctor has since lost his medical license and is no longer able to practice medicine!

    2) The original study was partially funded (over $600k) by... wait for it... A LEGAL FIRM!!!

    That's right folks! An enterprising law firm funded and encouraged research (likely leading to the false data and analysis) to try and develop a link between vaccines, which EVERY KID IN THE WESTERN WORLD gets and autism. I'll bet they couldn't wait to represent every autism patient in the world in a giant suit against vaccine companies.

    Bridget and Teresa, EARMUFFS...

    Fu$^&ing lawyers!!!

  2. Teresa is a lawyer for the gubbermint, making her one of the good guys. Er, right?
