Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Oh For God's Sake...

iPhone on Verizon. Everyone has been clamoring for this for years, basically since the iPhone launched exclusively on AT&T. Well, now it's here or, at least, it will be on February 10. And how has everyone reacted? Like a bunch of nancies. Here's a sampling of the coverage...
You know how many times I've needed to browse the web while on a phone call (assuming I could even make a phone call on AT&T's network)? Maybe once.

You know how often I need to worry about international roaming? Not often.

If I'm watching movies, television shows, or streaming music I'm almost certainly doing it over WiFi, so I'm not too concerned about network speeds.

Of all these complaints, only the final op-ed makes any sense - don't buy the iPhone today and get locked into a 2-year contract (with no early upgrade option) when Apple will release a new iPhone in 4-5 months, likely with much better specs.

Maybe I'm old fashioned and in the great minority here, but my PHONE, first and foremost, needs to function as a good PHONE. I would wager that 50% - no exaggeration - of the phone calls I make on my iPhone get dropped. That figure is probably closer to 80% IN MY HOME.

It's so typical. Everyone has been decrying the iPhone's exclusivity with AT&T and now that it's finally broken the reaction is a resounding "Meh".


  1. You can actually surf the web via wifi and talk on the phone. Anywho, if I can get the iPhone4 with a 1-year contract I am sold. If verizon forces me into a 2-year contract than forget about it, i will just pick up one of the soon to be released awesome android 4g phones. Can you say HTC Thundebolt, or Motorola Droid Bionic. Also, props to Dan Mead, president of VZW, and father of my old roommate for rocking the press conference. Now, if Matt could just get me some free verizon schwag that would be great.

  2. So should or should I not get teh iPhone since I'm Verizon?

  3. I'm totally getting it - but not until the new ones come out this summer. The iPhone is the best smartphone out there, and the only one on which you can play Worms and Worms 2.

    Colin -
    Verizon is completely doing away with early upgrades. Completely. I don't know if that's the same thing 1-year contracts. Besides, I've had my iPhone 3GS for 2+ years and it's still better than 95% of the phones on the market.

  4. Ian, why is it the "best smartphone out there"? I'm up for a new phone at any point now, and I'm soliciting opinions from anyone with a Smartphone. I've heard good things about the Samsung Fantastic, and Colin seems to like the Droid. What's so good about the iPhone?

  5. So I just read the first article linked and it said the following as a note at the bottom: "Post updated to remove a reference to FaceTime over 3G, which will not be available on Verizon’s iPhone 4."

    There goes me buying an iPhone, as that was the major temptation for me.

  6. you can still use Facetime, just only via wifi. and if you think about it, you're probably only going to use Facetime when you are in an area with wifi, such as your own home, or someone else's home that you know.

  7. The whole ATT network thing is a joke. ATT has the biggest, most robust network in the US. No other network would have been able to handle the iPhone when it first released. Every network has some dead spots. Sounds like Ian lives in one. I for one have never had a dropped call when I had 2 or more bars. Ever. I think a ton of people were just pissed that they had to choose ATT for an iPhone and they have just been very vocal. I can't wait to hear all the Verizon iPhone users bitch and moan starting in about a month. They'll have something to complain about because that's all they've done for over 2 years.

    I am actually excited about Verizon for a different reason. Now all these complainers will leave ATT and I'll get better data connections at big events - the biggest issue I have with my phone. I love checking scores while at a game. O also love sending texts and pics from games.

    Ian has the best advice though. Wait to get the iPhone 5 this summer. It will be a big advance. That's what I would aim for Colin and Kevin.

  8. Kevin -
    The iPhone is the best smartphone, IMHO, for several reasons.
    1. It's the easiest and most intuitive to use.
    2. It integrates best with enterprise systems for work.
    3. Regardless of what metrics certain people will throw out, iOS is still the preferred platform for almost any non-Google or non- Apple competitor app developer.
    4. You'll get regular, frequent updates that carriers won't interfere with.

    Android is decent, but it's hella fractured at this point. You could buy an Android device and never get the next Android update because of all the manufacture and carrier mods that went into your device. After having a Windows Mobile device many years back, I could never do that again. Knowing there are all these cool new features and enhancements out there, but they aren't available to you? Maddening!
