Friday, September 24, 2010

A Question

And a very simple one at that - does anyone read this fucking blog anymore?

You know what differentiates a good blog from Interaction. (Well, interaction and no Sports Guy. Durr! Boston! Durr!) There's a give and take here, people. Somebody writes something. You read that something. You comment on that something. The author of that something receives encouragement from your comments. Something else gets written.

It's the circle of life. Simba dies if you don't leave comments.

I've tried to write quite a few things the past few weeks soliciting comments. I've even explicitly solicited comments by writing, " [...] comments". Where's the love?

When someone posts something, write a comment. Even if that comment just says, "Kevin smells". It's a small validation for those of us trying to keep this thing moving, and will hopefully ensure its survival until my Telepathic Blogging Brain Cap™ patent gets approved and makes these things obsolete.

UPDATE: Now commenting is even easier because I've turned off that lame-ass word verification. Who loves you?


  1. i read it everyday, and yes kevin does smell

  2. I read it every day too. Not sure if others do, as I usually have to prompt Mom and Dad to check funny updates.

    I will now comment on every post. I also promise one post a week minimum.

  3. I will now comment more. I always check the blog. Please write more.

  4. Ditto with commenting and reading. Not necessarily in that order.

  5. Yes, of course I read everyday. You will see my commenting go up exponentially. Kevin smells.
