Sunday, December 13, 2009

More Old Photos

I'm blogging! (Think Bill Murray tied to a sailboat in "What About Bob")

A while back, Colin posted some old family photos, which were so much fun to see. He promised to post more, but I haven't see any more yet. I figured I'd pick up some slack with some good photos from my own album.

Remember this trip? We've got a before and after shot...

Before our descent into the wilderness.

and 5 days later.


  1. i was going to make it a regular column, but was told i was going overboard.

  2. Nonsense - if we Heffernans know anything, it's appropriate restraint. I want more old photos!

  3. Bridget - can you scan those two photos in high quality and email them to me?

  4. When that first picture was taken, the only reason we were smiling is because we could look forward to sleeping in a sleeping bag and tent and not having to sleep in the back of a mini-van.

    Coincidentally, when that second picture was taken was also the last time dad ate either peanut butter or raisins. We were all very hungry.

  5. I like reminiscing! More old photos!

  6. Ian, I'll get some copies to you as soon as I can (i.e., when I'm home and actually remember to do it).

  7. p.s. I love how red we are in the "after" shot. You can tell we irishmen were out in the sun for way too long.
