Friday, December 11, 2009

Kelly It Is

Here's what I said about Brian Kelly last month...
Kelly is Charlie Weis with previous head coaching experience. He runs a high-flying, fast-paced spread offense and calls all the plays. And he's benefited greatly from playing in the shithole that is the Big East. Pass.

Maybe that was a little unfair, but I still think people are biased by his Irish-Catholic background (I'm pretty sure Parseghian, Devine, Holtz, and Rockne weren't Irish and they still did okay). Here's what I will say:
  • His .750 winning percentage over 19 years as a college football head coach is great.
  • He has improved, dramatically, every team that he took over, and quickly.
  • He's apparently very personable (effervescent is the word everyone seems to be using).
  • He gets the most out of his players.
  • He's shown an ability to adapt to the hand he's dealt, personnel-wise.
  • He's active in the community.
All of those things will greatly help Kelly at Notre Dame. Some things that may not...
  • His lack of defensive skills (being a defensive coordinator over 20yrs ago does not count). Although I'm willing to look past this because the old adage is, "Whoever score the most wins" and not "Whoever holds their opponent to fewer points wins."
  • His recruiting experience. Again, willing to overlook this considering what he's able to get out of the players he has on hand.
I never bought the myth of the home-run-hire, e.g. Meyer or Stoops. Those guys had already tasted the pinnacle of college football success and could do nothing but fail at Notre Dame. If they won, it would have been expected. If they lost their skills are questioned and Notre Dame doomed to football mediocrity (at least, according to the pundits).

In Kelly Notre Dame gets a proven winner in the prime of his coaching career with something to prove. More importantly, they get a guy who wanted to be at Notre Dame and who was at the top of the Notre Dame wish list.

All in all, I'm cautiously optimistic. Like I said in an early post, I think Kelly has the resources on hand to make an immediate impact next year. It's amazing what a modicum of leadership and motivation can do to turn around a flagging program.


  1. I agree with ian's last paragraph. Whoever took the job was bound to have immediate success. ND has excellent talent and depth right now. They will be a better team next year. How good remains to be seen.

  2. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Do you guys know if Teo is going on Mormon retreat next year?

  3. Whoops...that last comment was mine, accidentally hit 'Anonymous".
