Monday, October 26, 2009

If I Were A Closer...

I actually watched a couple minutes of the ALCS last night and saw Mariano Rivera come in to close out the 9th. When he came in, they played his classic closer music - Enter Sandman by Metallica. Well, classic... yes. Not actually his though. A ton of closers have used that music before and after him. There are also a bunch of other songs that seem to always get used by closers. However, they always seem to stick to that pop-metal genre.

I'm not sure, but I would trace the use of closer theme songs to the movie Major League. When Rick Vaughn came into the game as a converted closer in the big finale, they rocked out to a version of Wild Thing that brought the house down. I'm sure music was played during pitching changes before that, but not customized theme songs. That movie changed it forever.

Anyway, all of this got me thinking. If I were closing out an MLB game in the 9th, what would my music be? There are some requirements. It has to have some kind of unique intro before building up to a powerful chorus. It has to fire up the pitcher and the crowd. It's a bonus if it ticks off the opposing batter. Intimidation is cool too, but not many songs really intimidate. I think it also has to somewhat fit the personality of the pitcher in some way. I'm not really a metal kind of guy. So after much thought...

Stop Whispering
Pablo Honey
Capitol/EMI Records

Fill up the comments. Let me know yours!


  1. Easy...

    Smack My Bitch Up
    The Prodigy
    The Fat of the Land

    And I'm really only interested in the first 53 seconds or so.

  2. I am terrified that I just listened to "Smack My Bitch Up" Friday on my way home from work and all I thought about was "the best 52 seconds in music." My pick would be:

    Nine Inch Nails
    "Natural Born Killers" soundtrack


    Paradise City
    Guns 'N Roses
    Appetite for Destruction

  3. Man, no wonder we all get along! I also was very close to picking Burn, but only if the scoreboard could play that awesome video while I walked in! Another back up song I considered...

    Diesel Power
    The Prodigy
    Fat of the Land

    I love Smack... but the slow beat of Diesel would be awesome to strut in to.

  4. Ps: somebody HAS to do a V post!!! Don't think I was the only one involved in the classic marathon viewing. The new series starts in a week!

  5. I think I'd have on of the following:

    Nine Inch Nails

    or possibly:

    No More Tears
    Ozzie Osbourne
    No More Tears

    If I did Ozzy, I'd bite the head off of a bat on the mound to intimidate the batter.
