Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I Hate You, Pat Forde

I don't know why I still occasionally visit (actually, I do, it's to read TMQ every Tuesday). Anyway, caught the most recent Forde Yard Dash (isn't that clever?) and read this excerpt...

Steve Spurrier (35) and Charlie Weis (36) are supposed to be all about offense, right? Well then, why have their teams failed to score 40 points in a regulation regular-season game since 2006?

Notre Dame's non-40 streak now spans 32 regular-season games, dating to when Brady Quinn was wearing a gold helmet.

Ever heard the phrase statistics can be skewed to show anything? That's been adopted as the ESPN motto. Nevermind the fact that everyone knew Notre Dame has been rebuilding the past two years. Nevermind the fact that Forde conveniently limited this to regular-season games and excluded the 49-point shellacking ND handed to Hawaii in the Hawaii Bowl last December. What really bothers me is that although ND hasn't scored 40 points this season, they have averaged 30ppg. Call me crazy, but I'll take 30 week-in, week-out over some of these teams that drop half a hundred one week and 13 the next.

Lesson learned here - stick to TMQ and don't wander, because it only makes me angry...

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