Thursday, February 26, 2009


No, I'm not putting in a post praising the movie (though I did like it). I was reading an article on Yahoo about how Antarctica's Western Glacier is melting and how seas levels are going to rise, and I wanted to do some fact finding. I went online and found the following article about the likelihood and consequences of all the world's ice melting.

It's backed up by sources, and generally does a good job of making fun of people making outrageous claims such as: 1) Scientology is a religion, 2) French people are industrious, 3) Intelligent Design and 4) we're all going to drown in 10 years when the human-caused global warming melts all the Earth's ice and causes flash floods and tsunamis everywhere!

Just a little food for thought, and few cool 'what-if' pictures. Oh, and Ted and Ali, good job getting out of New Orleans. Those of you in DC and Florida, you'd better hope those wackos aren't right!


  1. Ha! Here's a sad admittance by the National Snow and Ice Data Center that their ice melt figures are way off. I guess they had predicted there would be no arctic ice for the first time ever in 2008, but "sensor drift" made their prediction inaccurate by about 193,000 square miles. They were alerted to the error when a keen tipster told them, "Hey, I see some ice. Actually, I see a lot of ice."

    Apparently, there are better sensors available, but they refuse to switch over to them for "historical purposes", i.e. alarmism...

  2. Man, great stuff, fellas! Both were excellent reads. I love alarmist media and headline craving environmentalists! For me, going green means keeping the green in my pocket.

  3. I had a number a awesome arguments with my boss during my residency about "An Inconvenient Truth." He loves Al Gore and thought his movie was gospel. He actually wanted to show during our noon educational conference that is always for radiology!

    This global warming, ice cap melting, sea levels rising garbage is insane! These are geologic processes that take thousands of years to develop. The media is just so crazy about every little incident.
