Thursday, February 26, 2009

Media Circus

I have come to a rather obvious conclusion. The media is out of control on all fronts. This may seem obvious to everyone, but take a look at how they are actually affecting our world. Every once in a while, I've got to let one of these rants fly to try to keep my sanity.

They have ruined sports by covering every team with 27 reporters 24 hours a day 7 days a week. There just isn't that much news to report, so they just make shit up! Good trades are often ruined because of media leaks. Dissension between owners, players, managers and fans is brewed by talk radio idiots. The constant coverage feeds the egos of athletes and creates embarrassments like TO, Manny and A-Rod. ESPN makes up the news with "Original Programming." Networks buy events and then use their influence to hype said event unfairly. ESPN can influence voters in college football to set up BCS games which they cover.

They have ruined politics in the exact same way. There is such a frenzy to scoop other reporters and break a story that facts are rarely checked - even on the primetime network nightly news shows - remember Dan Rather? Accusations fly as big headlines and when proven wrong are rarely retracted or corrected. The liberal bias is an added twist. Check out this website about a new documentary named, "Media Malpractice: How Obama Got Elected and Palin Was Targeted." Don't buy the DVD or anything, but the trailer alone is scary. It proves with interviews and video what we all suspected during the 2008 election. Scary stuff.

The global warning issue that Kevin brought up set me off today for this post. The media attention to this non-issue is actually driving the science. Actual facts and data are disregarded as conservative propaganda because they don't support the supposedly "obvious" truth that we are creating a global Armegeddon with our greenhouse gases and polar ice-cap melting ways!

The Oscars last week cemented what I had always known deep down inside. Movies are made and rewarded based upon their political message, not the merits of the film or the acting. This is why the same political speeches are uttered at all the lame awards shows. This is why Al Gore and Sean Penn get Oscars. This is why certain actors/actresses get blackballed from the industry or shut out of awards again and again. Think the Acadamy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences would ever give Frank Langella an Oscar for playing hated GOP president Richard Nixon with some degree of sympathy? No way. Give it to the movie about gay politician who supports gay marriage.

Another pet peave. You know it was Darwin's 200th birthday last week. CNN published a big story online about the opinions on Darwin today. Read this link and weep. They actually did a very scientific poll through Gallop evaluating people's beliefs concerning Evolution. A quick summary of the results:
  • 39% of Americans say they "believe in the theory of evolution"
  • 25% do not believe in evolution
  • 36% have no opinion either way
This was last month. An older Gallop poll also cited in the article from 2008 had these gems:
  • 14% of Americans believe that humans developed over millions of years from less advanced forms of life
  • 44% believe that God created human beings almost overnight within the past 10,000 years
  • 36% believe that God guided humans' evolution from animals over a much longer period of time
I weep for our nation.

1 comment:

  1. One thing I find very amusing about the entire Intelligent Design "debate" is this... the central tenet of all religions is faith - the concept of believing in something even though it cannot be proven. People who claim to have faith then yell and scream about teach ID in schools and claiming it is scientific fact are really just being hypocrites. At the very least, they are directly contradicting their own beliefs. At worst, they are setting a precedent for denouncing their beliefs. And they don't even realize it...
