Wednesday, February 11, 2009

This is Why I Hate Government

Read this site and then join me in seething...

If you didn't follow all that, here's the summary. In this morning's house vote to approve the Stimulus package certain representatives tried at squeeze in additional language to shoot down net neutrality - a completely unrelated issue that has no business in this conversation. Well, word of this got out and Congress was flooded with calls that shot this down. But now it's back on the table as the bill heads to closed-door voting where it's less likely to get trumped.

Here's the problem - now you're not just voting on an $800B stimulus package, but you also need to consider the sweeping internet reform that was suddenly and unexpectedly tacked on by some jerk. No doubt if you vote no on the bill because of all the crap that got tacked on you'll get labeled an asshole that doesn't care about the country's economic crisis and never get a chance to explain.

It's typical government shenanigans - tacking a low probability bill onto one that will surely pass - and it makes me sick to see people take advantage of such a high-profile issue. Way to go Congress... you suck.

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