Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Dropbox! Finally...

How many times have you been at work and needed a file off your home computer? Or had a bunch of crap you needed to share, but it was too big to fit as an email attachment? Finally, a decent and FREE solution has arrived. It's called Dropbox.

Here's how it works
  1. Download their software and install it on any number of machines.
  2. Put shit in the special My Dropbox folder like you would any other folder on your machine.
  3. That shit instantly becomes available on those other machines! I know!
  4. Put shit in the Public folder and it can be shared with your friends.
  5. Login to their website and you can manipulate the same files from anywhere. Anywhere!
It comes with 2GB of free space, which should be more than enough for the majority of the use cases. Anyway, I've already installed it on multiple PCs and laptops and even a Mac (I'm gay) and it's working great. It's the best option out there until Google gets their shit together and releases their GDrive...

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