Sunday, March 09, 2008

The King of Kong

Okay, last movie post I do for awhile. I had been wanting to check this flick out for a long time. I had heard amazing reviews, and I loved the other documentaries in the genre: Spellbound and Word Wars. If any of you haven't seen these other two, go out and rent them too. All I can say is one of them features a MUSICAL ROBOT! You will cry laughing. I also recommend a few friends and a 12 pack of beer to increase enjoyment.

Anyway, back to The King of Kong. The subtitle of this movie is A Fistfull of Quarters, so you know it's going to rock! This movie is essentially about two guys competing to become the best in the world at Donkey Kong. It pits lovable loser Steve Weibe against video game legend Billy Mitchell. If you have never heard of these guys, you probably have had sex at some point in your life. Mitchell is the all-time record holder with an untouchable score that he set in 1982. Weibe decides he can beat it and sets out to do so. What follows is one of the most compelling documentaries, no movies I have seen in a long time. You will find yourself cheering.

I also love the look at competitive video games. It focuses on the old school games and not this crazy Halo/Warcraft stuff that dominates today. This is one that EVERYONE MUST SEE! If you have Netflix, you can watch it instantly online. Otherwise, go out and rent it. You won't regret it.


  1. i just ordered this as my first netflix movie, so don't let me down ted!

  2. Colin, you can watch it online for free using Netflix. They let you do that with some movies.

  3. i watched this movie today and it was very good. i hate billy mitchell and i think he cheated with his video.
