Monday, March 03, 2008

Holy Poop!

I've been out of touch for the last week, in England on business. So what a unbelievably awesome surprise I was treated to this morning when I was checking my usual web sites and discovered Nine Inch Nails had released 36 new instrumental tracks for FREE on the internet. You also have the option to pre-order actual discs and paraphernalia, which I did since I'm such an NIN uber-dork, but even that only costs $10. Anyway, if you're any sort of a fan of music you need to a) give Trent some money for this effort and b) download the CDs immediately! Whether you're a fan or not, you have to admit Trent Reznor continues to push the envelop on music in all ways and shapes. Whether it's his actual music, his disdain for the record companies, or now his approach to delivery he's an innovator. You can find all you need to know here:


  1. Did anybody pay for the Radiohead download when they did this last year? I chose to donate ZERO!

  2. I paid Trent $5 for this set. I considered the discs, but decided I am now 100% digital.

  3. I didn't pay Radiohead, but just because I knew I would buy the discs a month later, which I did.

  4. I love Trent's instrumentals - they are probably my favorite part of NIN music (with the exception of his really great tracks: Closer, Fragile, Terrible Lie, Wish). Also, I like the instrumentals because I can listen to them at work without being distracted by the words of a song. So I paid my $5 and downloaded the songs.

  5. i was wondering why it took so long for you to post this, ian. i will be donating $10 'cause i like the shiny discs and artwork. look kids, big ben; parliament!
