Thursday, February 21, 2008

Shoot 'Em Up

I don't want to turn The Royal Heffernans into a movie blog, but I feel an obligation to make you all aware of totally awesome movies that you may not otherwise watch. Classics such as Roadhouse, Abominable, and now... Shoot 'Em Up.

Simply put, if you don't love this movie after the opening 5 minutes just stop reading now and go back to combing the hair on your My Little Ponies®. The opening 5 minutes of this movie are like the opening 50 seconds on Prodigy's Fat of the Land album. In other words, possibly the best opening 5 minutes in movie history. The most appropriate description I've heard for this movie is it's a live-action version of a McBane script - over the top violence, farcical action sequences, cheesy lines, the whole nine yards. But unlike Abominable, the production values are excellent and the acting top-notch. Go watch it now! I rate it 4 exclamation points!!!!

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