Monday, February 25, 2008

Jimmy Kimmel Is Slowly Taking Over

I have been starting to watch more and more Jimmy Kimmel Live, and I have to say he is starting to grow on me. I have always loved Letterman, but he really is showing his age. Conan is also hilarious, and his sketches continue to be the funniest things on late night TV. If you missed the battle royal with Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert, then check it out on YouTube. Leno and the rest all suck. But I really think Jimmy Kimmel may be taking control.

As evidence of the power of Jimmy, he somehow is able to make Matt Damon, Ben Affleck, Robin Williams, Brad Pitt, Huey Lewis and Josh Groban all look cool! I can't figure it out - I hate those people!

In this first sketch, Jimmy's real-life girlfriend Sarah Silverman sings a special song in honor of his shows 5th anniversary. Although there is no language, I would recommend headphones if you are at work. I would also recommend not drinking any beverages while watching, as they will end up spit out all over your computer screen!

In retaliation, Jimmy sings a very special song as a response to Sarah's tribute. Of course he could never top the original, but he sure as hell gives it a run!

1 comment:

  1. Holy crap, I almost pooped my pants trying to hold in my laughter. The comment by Ben about Jimmy's tits being bigger than Sarah's is priceless (and true) and is second only to the shirts that Jimmy and Ben wear. I can't believe how many top-names were singing in that song - Harrison Ford, Don Cheadle, Robin Williams. I am now convinced that Jimmy is tops.
