Friday, January 25, 2008

Speaking of Religion...

Okay, so Scientology isn't really a religion as much as it is a money-making scam created by a failed science fiction writer, but whatever. I'm sure you've all seen the recent Tom Cruise/Scientology videos that were leaked on the internet recently where Tom stammers, gestures dramatically, cryptically refers to "do[ing] something", calls Scientologists "the authorities", and laughs maniacally. Two recent videos have popped up as a result. The first is a spot-on, hilarious spoof of the Cruise videos by Jerry O'Connell (yes, the fat kid from 'Stand By Me') and the second is a pretty sweet video put together by a group calling themselves Anonymous, who claim to be taking on Scientology. View away...

And just because it's the best commercial of all-time...

1 comment:

  1. Jerry's impersonation, and espcially the maniacal laugh, are spot-on.

    And Robert Loggia? I've not seen that commercial before, but it's pretty funny because everyone knows the actor, but no one knows his name.
