Wednesday, January 23, 2008

ESPN Is Dead To Me

We all know the party line. ESPN hates Notre Dame, tries to create the news and is more about entertainment than sports (the E does come first). As Notre Dame alumni, we put up with it. Deep down, I always felt it was just an act to get ratings. ESPN is always first to bash the Irish, but they never fail to make ND success the lead story as well. I just thought they were pandering for ratings by playing good cop, bad cop with the New York Yankees of college football. Surely, when Mike Golic, Lou Holtz and Digger Phelps are all featured contributors, there is no anti-ND bias, right?


Last week, Mike and Mike were roasted in Atlantic city. You know, the old celebrity roast style with a roastmaster, lots of guest appearances, inappropriate and vulgar jokes, and plenty of drinks! This would be awesome! Well, apparently Dana Jacobson took things way to far. Obviously intoxicated, she stepped up to the mike and did her best Jimmy the Greek, Don Imus, Mel Gibson, Kelly Tilghman impression:

"Fu@% Notre Dame."
"Fu@% Touchdown Jesus."
dramatic pause...
"Fu@% Jesus."

Now let me get some things out of the way. Jacobson is Jewish, and she graduated from Michigan. This was an informal roast, not aired on ESPN (although I'm sure they filmed it planning to do so in the future as with all celebrity roasts). Jacobson was very drunk. ESPN has confirmed the "foolish and insensitive" comments, but does not address them publicly. Jacobson has been suspended for one week. The story is only now starting to hit the press, as ESPN and the people involved have tried in vain to suppress the issue.

That said, I am outraged. At first I didn't believe it. Then it was confirmed by multiple sources. The first two comments are no big deal. I would expect nothing less from a drunk Michigan grad. They are in the spirrit of the venue, a roast. The third comment, well I guess that is from a drunk Jewish woman who hates Christianity? Can you imagine the firestorm if she had said "Fu@% Mohammad"??? I think a fatwah would have been issued and a few American buildings would have been blown up by now. She would also be out of a job. I feel that in society, it is okay to bash Christianity and Catholicism in general. Big deal, nobody cares. But if you mention the word "lynch", or discuss race, or deride Judaism or Islam - then you pay the price.

ESPN has shown silent agreement with Jacobson by refusing to address this issue. I can't take their garbage any longer. I once was only annoyed with their game, but now I am taking action. I sent an email to their VP of communications and urge you all to do the same. I don't want them to fire Jacobson. I just want them to appropriately deal with this in a manner that would be used for some of the other examples of bigotry I mentioned. Just let me know that you know this is wrong and do not condone it. Treat Christianity with the same respect you treat racial and other religious issues. Unless ESPN appropriately addresses this issue, I am completely done with their TV, radio, print and internet services.


  1. I gave up on ESPN a long time ago, and it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. For purposes of full disclosure I do read TMQ and Buster Olney. However, that is all (I know I am pathetic but sometimes work is slow). The most important thing to remember is that they are more concerned about ratings than anything else. Don't forget that fact when you are outraged by an article or segment from one of their many hard hitting sports talk shows; they just do it to rile up the fan base.

    Also, that picture of Janet Jackson is a bit racy. I thought I was on a different site for a minute...

  2. You know what's funny - last week Scoop (Race Card) Jackson wrote an article criticizing Tiger Woods for not taking a stand against the Kelly Tilghman comments. I actuallyi left a comment after the article saying why is "lynch" such a sensitive word when "crucify" carries the exact same connotations. To my benefit, one of the earlier commenters had even used the word 'crucify' to describe the treatment of Tilghman without thinking twice. You wouldn't believe some of the comments that incited - people saying that it was totally different and not even in the same ballpark. Complete hypocrites.

    Anyway, this was the last straw for me with EsPN. I'm writing their VP of Communications to notify him that as a result of this, I'm canceling my magazine subscription and Insider account. However, like Colin, I will continue to read TMQ - who has been suspended twice by EsPN for criticizing the network...

  3. By the way, ESPN is really pissing me off now as they have published some sort of statement on their web site saying, "Her characterizations of the Notre Dame football program, which have been criticized by a Catholic organization, were deemed 'inappropriate' by the network."

    This is even worse. Now they make it sound like she got drunk, made fun of Notre Dame, and a bunch of ND fans got mad so she was disciplined. It completely glosses over the real reason she got suspended. Cover up all the way.
