Wednesday, January 09, 2008

No More Poodle?

Word on the street is that Atlanta wants Pete Carroll as their next head coach and that Carroll is interested in their pitch.

As much as I can't stand Carroll, his high-fiving, and his general prickishness (I just invented that word) some part of me hopes he stays - just so I can see how he responds to being knocked down a few rungs in the next few years. Southern Cal has had a tremendous run under Carroll, but if anything is true about college football it's that everything works in cycles. Southern Cal has been on an upswing for quite awhile, but it's only a matter of time before they come crashing down (ask Miami, Florida St, Nebraska, et al). Everyone talks about how they've owned Notre Dame in the past few seasons, but quickly forget that at one point in the mid-90's Notre Dame was working on something like 13 straight victories over them.

So I'm torn - I'll be happy to see him stay and have a real nemesis for Notre Dame, but I'll be equally happy to see him take his show to Atlanta (where he will undoubtedly fail once again, as he has in his previous NFL head-coaching tenures)...


  1. Is there any chance his interest is related to impending NCAA investigations against USC? I think Carroll leaving for Atlanta would be an admission of guilt, and him getting out while the gettin' is good!

  2. i think petey leaving for the nfl would help nd tremendously. pete is a pretty decent coach, i don't think many people will deny that. however, even more importantly he is an excellent recruiter, maybe the best in college. nd may have the #1 class right now, but that's just because usc hasn't decided which remaining 5 star prospects to choose from yet, after that happens expect them to jump up the rankings. if he leaves, it should hurt recruiting for about 2 years. that's just enough time for a couple of 3 and 4 loss seasons down the road, which turns usc from perennial power-house to average football power.
