Friday, January 04, 2008


Well, the death knell for HD-DVD arrived today. On he eve of the big electronics expo, CES, Warner announced exclusive Blu-Ray support. A quick rundown of the Blu-Ray advantages:

  • 70% major studio support
  • The big holdouts are now preparing Blu-Ray support
  • 3:1 disc sales advantage in the US
  • PS3
  • Stand alone Blu-Ray players are now under $300 and outselling HD-DVD players
  • Most of the computer industry backs Blu-Ray
A big article was posted on The Digital Bits today discussing this announcement. They went so far as to say, "Blu-ray Disc is now the clear choice for mainstream consumers." This is one of the major industry web sites, and at last, I think the format war is now over. The dust will settle over the next few months, but it is now safe to go out and buy that Blu-Ray player you've been eying. That means you Ian and Kevin - our only HDTV family members! I've still got a year or so to go, but by that time plenty of titles should be available.

1 comment:

  1. i've certainly been looking at them lately (along with a new receiver that has HDMI switching) - especially since netflix has Blu-Ray versions of movies available whenever applicable. probably later this year...
