Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Uh, Oh... Huckabee Hits 22%

I'll admit it. I am a registered Republican. I vote a straight ticket. I haven't missed an election since I turned 18. Democrats eat babies. Okay, that last one is only a rumor, but the rest are verified. So I read with dismay the headline article on CNN.com today.

My reasons for electing a Republican President are completely selfish. Democrats are bad for health care. They cut Medicare payments, try to shake up the health care system, and pander to lawyers who have litigated medicine to the point where it takes doctors longer to do the paperwork than it does to actually see and treat the patient. See my previous post about John Edwards if you want to know what I'm talking about.

What does this mean for Ali and I? After 7 and 10 years of respective training to be doctors, we will work harder and make less money with a Democrat in office. Some of my colleagues have even suggested that groups will freeze hiring as the election draws closer to see what happens. That's great since next September through December will be the time I am interviewing for jobs!

So why am I afraid of a strong Republican candidate like Huckabee? Because the guy is crazy - and unelectable! If the GOP nominates Huckabee to run for Prez, you can all but hand the election to the Dems. What is so bad about Huckabee? Let's take a look. In fairness, the guy does have one redeemable asset. I included that below as well. Hey, Fair and Balanced!

"I do not necessarily buy into the traditional Darwinian theory, personally."
This is the universal code for Creationism! If the guy believes dinosaurs lived alongside man 6000 years ago when God created the universe, what will he believe when presented with other important, yet inconvenient FACTS???

"I feel homosexuality is an aberrant, unnatural, and sinful lifestyle, and we now know it can pose a dangerous public health risk."
Okay, not really politically correct. Half of America will hate you, while the other half will silently applaud you. I think this may be a deal breaker as far as an election. The media will be all over this, because they pander to the left.

"If the federal government is truly serious about doing something with the AIDS virus, we need to take steps that would isolate the carriers of this plague."
Uh, what? Should we close down Manhatten and turn it into a maximum security prison/quarantine zone? Maybe Snake Pliskin can make a visit! This is another irrational stance that he refuses to back away from.

"Had I granted his commutation, then there would have been no supervision at all. I wasn't comfortable with that."
Huckabee got a taste of GOP medicine with this repeat of the old Willie Horton ad Bush Sr. used against Dukakis. This one will not go away, but it appears he didn't do anything wrong. I think anyone who has ever been a governor has a few people that got parole and went on to commit another violent crime.

Chuck Norris


  1. Anonymous1:12 AM

    I think Rudy is a Democrat pretending to be a Republican. I think the best hope for a Republican in office is Huckabee. I also don't think there needs to be any contradiction between creationism and evolution. I think both have their merit and can work with each other.

  2. nothing makes me happier than people i don't know submitting comments on our blog! truly, it makes me feel like all people, not just people who know us, truly care about our crazy opinions, no matter what they may be. however, there is simply no truth, none whatsoever, in creationism. in fact, those who truly believe in it now prefer to call it intelligent design. i know that i laugh at people, to their face, who believe in ID/creationism, but honestly, follow this link:


    Watch this show and you will actually feel bad for people who believe in ID/creationism because scientific experts were absolutely thorough (and giddy) in shooting so many holes through ID/creationism that there is no possible way a reasonable person could continue to believe in this issue.

  3. As for our anonymous commenter, with the current political campaign system, all I can say is this...


  4. It's a sad day when I would consider voting for a Mormon for president, but if it's down to Huckabee or Romney I'll take Romney. At least he's been smart enough to make it clear that although his religion is totally bananas his faith will in no way affect his decisions as president. I don't mind a president with faith, provided it doesn't steer his decision making - something that Huckabee has confirmed. My only hope at this point is that Fred Thompson starts picking up the pace once the primaries get away from the Christian belts up in Iowa...

  5. "I think both have their merit and can work with each other."

    Um, evolution says humans started out as lemurs, then monkeys, then apes. Where in Creationism can a human have been a lemur? Also, evolution of homo sapiens took about 500,000 years, slightly longer than the 10,000 year age that the bulk of Creationism sites since God created earth and man.

    So please spare me anyone with Creationist beliefs saying they can get along with evolution. You can believe one thing or the other, but definitely not both.

  6. Hot off the press...

    "Don't Mormons believe that Jesus and the devil are brothers?"

    Huckabee now bashes Mormons. Then again, I think they are a cult too. Just because they have tried to go mainstream doesn't make them any more legit! Next thing you know, Scientology will be considered a religion.
