Monday, May 14, 2007

Prank War

Since nobody is cool enough to post any original material to the blog anymore, I will do what any good blogger does - embed links to other funny sites!!! We need to keep this damn thing fresh! Anyway, somebody emailed me a link to a web site that is kind of like YouTube. One of the ongoing video series is called Prank War. It is essentially an ongoing war of practical jokes that continue to escalate. I embedded the original prank below. Check it out. It made me laugh so hard I was crying. The joke is so simple, but the guys reaction is just priceless!

Audio Prank! from streeter seidell on Vimeo

If anyone is interested, the ensuing 4 pranks go back and forth on this site within Vimeo. I have to say the most recent prank (Human Giant) is utterly cruel - but AWESOME!

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