Friday, April 27, 2007

The New Sports Illustrated

About 15 years ago I stopped reading Sports Illustrated (SI) because after Notre Dame won the national championship in 1988 everything SI wrote about them was negative. I gave them an extra few years grace because I assumed they were just picking on the easiest target, but it persisted and I eventually dropped my subscription. A few years back ESPN began publishing their own sports periodical and, while objective to start, it has quickly turned to writing the type of anti- Notre Dame fodder that drove me away from SI. Any chance they get to take a shot at the school, administration, or players, they take. Take for example this mock mock draft posted on's Page 2 by resident jackass DJ Gallo:

Notice anything unusual about the fake picks? How about that out of the 32 predicted first round draft choices the only draftee he disparages is Brady Quinn. I know Quinn is an easy target after quarterbacking ND for four years, having model-esque good looks, and supposedly playing poorly in big games, but he could've shared the wealth. Dwayne Jarrett was involved in a housing/booster scandal at USC, Adrian Peterson broke his collarbone show-boating in the 4th quarter with his team up by 4 touchdowns, there are plenty of other examples. But no, Quinn gets picked on because he's a stand-up kid who just so happens to have been the quarterback at Notre Dame. Guess I'll be canceling my ESPN the Magazine subscription soon...

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Ian 100%. I actually gave up on SI for a different reason. They got further away from the sports articles about upcoming games/seasons and recent big games and started focusing more on quick excerpts and more controversial topics in general.

    ESPN seemed like a great alternative, but now I really hate it. I hate the big size of the damn magazine. I hate the format - are there any actual articles? The whole magazine is a series of "quick hits" from ESPN personalities. I hate ESPN trying to create sentiment and tell you what to think as a fan. By the way, they have NEVER had an article about a sporting event! It's always fluff about the future.

    I will be canceling ESPN ASAP.
