Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Whatever Happened To My Hurricane?

Remember 2005 when we had a record number of hurricanes in the Atlantic, including the devastating Katrina in the New Orleans area? Remember all the media hype about how humans are influencing the environment which accelerates global warming which adversely affects global weather patterns which leads to disastrously frequent and large hurricanes? Whatever happened with all that?

Because as I sit here in Washington, D.C. on an unseasonably mild August morning (mid-70s), I can't recall hearing anything about any hurricanes this year, and we're already halfway through hurricane season. CNN has a special Hurricane Headquarters (hooray for alliteration) web site and you know they are just praying for another natural disaster, but so far mother nature isn't cooperating.

Could it be that, GASP!, human influence on the environment is less than we thought? Could it be that, GASP!, global warming isn't as severe as we thought? Could it be that, GASP!, we really have no f#$^ing clue about long-term weather cycles, what their frequencies and durations are, what affects them, and whether or not we are currently in the midst of one? Or could it just be that the Eastern seaboard and Gulf Coast are in for a rough couple of months?

I guess we'll find out over the remainder of the summer, but one thing is for certain - we know a lot less about (human influence on) global weather systems than we thought. So maybe before a bunch of ass-clowns like CNN host a web site about our impending doom during the 2006 hurricane season they should think twice...


  1. DEBBY DOES MIAMI. I had to get that line out there first, since I'm sure that it will be a frequent cute headline if TS Debby (currently off the western cost of Africa) actually makes it across the Atlantic and touches down in the US.

    Scratch that - Debby isn't yet a tropical storm, merely a tropical depression, and yet she still makes headline news on CNN. Meteorologists are scrambling for some weather news and they seem so sad now after their big hurricane season in '05. Poor guys. There just haven't been any hurricanes for them to freak out about yet in '06...

  2. Uhhhhh...

    From a person who has evacuated from 4 hurricanes and almost lost his house...


  3. Anonymous10:38 AM


    I like it Ian, but I'd better say that with a hushed voice. In my industry, saying that will get me killed as some head-in-the-sand flat-earth society member.

    Hmmm....weather excitement vs. $4.50 gas. I'll take no hurricanes and love it...

    P.S. I can't figure out my password to this site for the life of me. Ted if you can post my original post, I'd be grateful, meein...

  4. I am afraid just because there arn't any hurricanes this year that doesn't really mean that human aren't effecting the environment. Perhaps you should do a little research.

  5. Yes! Another idiot random poster!!! Leave it to Ian to hit the hot button topics!

    For the green thumb moron, Ian never said that humans weren't AFFECTING (check your spelling) the environment. He said that the environment and weather is not so simple that one can say Hurricane Katrina is a result of global warming! It's a complex process that the weatherman has no damn idea about. If they can't tell me if it's going to rain in 2 days, how the hell are they going to predict 17 named storms in 2006?

    Rench is a meteorologist, and even he agrees with Ian's statement that the media is just hoping for bigger hurricanes and natural disasters. Go back to the tree you were hugging!
