Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Even More Serious...

Ian did highlight two very important news stories from the past week, but he neglected to discuss the two items that will have the most impact on our world.

The first is regarding a new movie release opening Friday - a little flick titled Snakes On A Plane. I predict this movie will open to packed houses making a run at Dead Man's Chest's opening weekend record of $135,634,554. No one can stop this movie. The internet support over the past year is unprecedented. The studio was wise and played up that support making the movie R-rated and including the now famous line, "I want these motherf%^$ snakes off this motherf&^$* plane!" after fans demanded it! I will be seeing it.

The next item is about a little bridge in Hungary. Budapest is in the process of building a bridge over the Danube in the northern part of the city. The government thought it would be a great idea to have an online contest allowing the public to nominate and vote for the bridge's name. As of last week, the #1 leading vote getter was... The Chuck Norris Bridge!!! This is awesome in so many ways. First, if you click on the link above, you'll see the site is entirely in Hungarian. No way stupid American internet geeks were voting for or even aware of the contest - it must have been Hungarians! Second, Chuck was beating all-comers by a wide margin, including the founder of Hungary! Finally, how awesome would it be for weary American travelers in Europe to come across Chuck Norris Hid (Hungarian for bridge) in the middle of Budapest! Alas, the widespread internet reporting of this phenomenon has rallied the people of Hungary to vote for Zrinyi Hid, a famous Hungarian historical family. Voting is still open, so get Chuck back on top!


  1. I just saw Snakes On A Plane. It is UNBELIEVABLY AWESOME! It takes every stereotype about horror/disaster movies and flips them around in hilarious fashion. You must see this in a late night theater with a big audience. The cheers and yells will be worth the effort. To Heffernan members, think about the old True Lies experience - then multiply it by 10!!!

  2. Oh gosh, this movie was su-WEET! From the terrible dialogue to the gratuitous nudity to the disgusting-ness, it has it all. It was fun to watch, as long as you don't go in thinking there's a real movie about to play. This movie is just plain laugh-out-loud-at-the-stupidness. The funny thing is, Julianne Marguiles is in it - I thought she was supposed to be a serious actor? Guess not!
