Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Sports Related Anger Study

As the baseball season opens, and the NFL draft approaches, I am constantly reminded of my loyalty for 2 specific sports franchises, the Cincinnati Reds and Notre Dame football. In particular, as I listen to the Reds win or lose, or see highlights of Reggie Bush or Matt Leinart run and pass against Notre Dame, my anger level waxes and wanes at alarming levels. In fact, I charted my anger level in relation to the performance of the teams in question:

As one can see from careful study of the charts seen above, my anger level normally hovers around the 1-2 mark. This captures my general disdain of Albert Pujols, USC, and people in general. However, after Cincinnati or ND suffers a defeat, my anger level immediately and significantly increases. The main difference between the two different sports is that in baseball games are played almost daily, therefore my anger level decreases rapidly correlating with my anticipation of another game. However, in regards to ND football, games are played on Saturdays, thus my anger level stays relatively high throughout the week. Interestingly, my anger level after a loss actually increases on the Friday and Saturday before the next game due to negative highlights and articles on the Internet constantly reminding me how painful the previous week's loss actually was.

What does this study reveal? I will, without question, die of major heart attack following a loss of one of these two sports teams. After careful scientific analysis I have come to this conclusion, and will prepare for the inevitable.


  1. For the USC game, we were at a friends party at his house to watch on his HDTV. After the game, I said let's go immediately. We drove home and I don't think I spoke for seven hours. Colin's graph would have needed a logorithmic Y-axis to chart my anger.

  2. Why do you think my dad had to have quadruple bypass surgery - i blame it on ND stress!!!
