Monday, April 17, 2006

The Gospel of Judas

In case you have not heard, a new gospel has been uncovered that paints the disciple Judas, the one who handed Jesus over to the Romans, in a much more favorable light. According to this new gospel, Judas did not turn Jesus over because of greed, avarice, or jealousy, but because Jesus asked him to do so in order to fulfill his mission on earth. So instead of the familiar betrayal story Christians have believed for millennia, Judas could have been following a very difficult mission, one of which Jesus deemed the other disciples incapable.

Frankly, I think the implications of this new gospel are both staggering and obvious. For almost ten years now my buddy Shane has donned the nickname 'Judas' because of his propensity to advocate the phrase 'bros before hos' but then ditch the 'bros' in favor of the 'hos' if even the slightest odds of scoring were apparent. If the account of Judas in this new gospel is true, then I need to find a new nickname for Shane, and 'Judas' has been such a good nickname for so long I'm somewhat at a loss. Maybe something like 'Benedict Arnold', but that just seems unwieldy. 'Benny'? Jesus Christ on a cross, this thing is rocking my world...


  1. You could call him Brutus - but then he'd have to also kill you when he ditched and betrayed you. Maybe you could use Alcibiades - who betrayed Athens three times and was welcomed back twice - but then he'd have to be bi-sexual.

    It really is a toughy.

  2. Anonymous4:45 PM

    Kimo von Oelhoffen

    or if you prefer,

    satan for short.
